CHI 13103 Steam Iron Review – Advanced Touchscreen!

What features should you look for while shortlisting the steam iron?

How to make sure that it is better than others?

These are the questions plaguing the mind of consumers whenever they buy a steam iron. The steam iron can last for years. That is why, when choosing one, you have to make sure that it is one of the best options available. Only then, the features on offer will make it convenient for you to use the steam iron.

At the same time, a consumer can’t go through the hundreds of options available. It can be time-consuming and also very confusing when you go through all these options. That is why; we will help you out today.

CHI 13103 review article thumbnail-min

CHI 13103 Steam Iron Review

We will directly go into the details of one of the best steam irons currently available. We are speaking about the CHI (13103) Steam Iron. We will not only go into the features of this team and but also the pros and cons so that it becomes easy for you to decide whether you should buy this steam iron or not.

The best and the unique features of this steam iron is that it comes with a touchscreen. That is why; modifying the settings is quite easy. When looking to select an option, you can do so with ease. Apart from this as well, it consists of a variety of features which we will highlight below.



Features of CHI 13103 Advanced Touchscreen Steam Iron

  • Touchscreen control
  • Titanium Infused Ceramic Soleplate
  • Efficient soleplate design
  • Textured Grip
  • 1800 W Heating element
  • Auto Shutdown
  • Three steam modes

Touchscreen control

chi 13103 touchscreen-minDo not prefer to fidget around with the knobs and the dials?

Worry not! This steam iron comes with a touchscreen. Using the touchscreen, you can select the temperature according to the fabric type. You can modify the heat setting precisely as well. At the same time, you can choose the settings according to the tags on the fabric. The options are plenty. All of these options ensure that you can precisely modify the heat settings of the steam iron so that it becomes easy to iron a particular fabric type. You can do so for almost any fabric, which means that ironing is easy.

Moreover, the digital screen ensures that you can verify the settings as well before ironing the fabric. It means that the chances of any error reduce drastically.

In a nutshell, the digital screen makes the use of this iron highly convenient and easy.

Titanium Infused Ceramic Soleplate

chi 13103 titanium infused ceramic soleplate-minIron is only as good as the soleplate. If the soleplate is not durable enough, you cannot use that steam iron for a long time. Fortunately, the steam iron outscores many others when it comes to this department. Due to the Titanium infused ceramic soleplate, It is better than other steam irons like Rowenta DW5080, CHI (13101) Steam Iron, CHI (13102) Steam Iron, CHI (13106) Steam Iron.

The titanium material provides it with high strength. It increases the durability of the soleplate. On the other side, the ceramic material ensures that it is easy to glide as well. It means that you can only use this steam for years together, and also every time you iron a fabric using it, you will not have to worry about it getting stuck. Thus, it is one of the most durable soleplates which you can find in any steam iron.

Efficient Soleplate Design

chi 13103 over 400 steam holes-minBy now, you might be aware that the soleplate is highly durable. However, is it designed efficiently?

Yes, it is! It consists of 400 steam holes. The steam spreads all over the soleplate. It means that the steam generated gets distributed evenly. It means that you can cover a larger fabric area in a single instance. As a result, the amount of time which it will require to cover the entire fabric is pretty less. It is one of the main reasons why this steam iron is so popular.

Efficient Grip

The sleek handle ensures that you can hold it with ease. Moreover, with the help of a textured grip, maneuvering it is not a problem either. Using it in combination with the best ironing boards can increase its efficiency even more. At the same time, it is highly comfortable to use it consistently for a long time as well. That is why; if you are worried about hand fatigue, with this iron, there will be no such problem. It will ensure that you can use this iron consistently without any issues.

1800 W Heating Element

The power wattage of the heating element determines the time which it takes for the steam iron to reach the required temperature. However, this steam iron consists of an 1800 W heating element. The advantage of such high powered heating element is that you need not wait for a long time to achieve the desired temperature. It is especially useful when you want to iron many clothes. Switching between temperature settings also will not take a lot of time, which means that you can get the clothes in a jiffy.

Auto Shutdown

Are you worried about power consumption?

Worry not! The steam iron comes with a five-minute auto-shutdown feature. It means that if it is inactive for 5 minutes, it will auto shutdown. As a result, electricity consumption will also go down. It will also prevent any accidents or burning of the fabric in case. It is not just a safety feature but also reduces energy consumption, which is a positive.

Three Steam Modes

chi 13103 remove wrinkles fast-minIf any steam iron provides uniform steam intensity, it might not be suitable for all the fabrics. You always need to vary the steam according to the clothing which you are ironing.

The iron, which we are highlighting now, has an adjustable steam setting. It has the blast and spray mode, as well. So, it will become easy for you to choose the steam setting according to the fabric. With the help of easy to control buttons on top for the spray and the blast mode, it is easy to get the preferred steam output.

If you are looking for the best steam iron, you can consider this option. The touchscreen feature makes it one of the best steam irons available. Apart from that, the variable steam setting ensures that you can use it with ease. Before you make your decision, you can go through the pros and cons below to know more about the steam iron.

Read Pros & Cons Before Buying


  • Sturdy soleplate
  • Efficient soleplate design
  • Excellent grip
  • Touchscreen control
  • Three different steam modes
  • Heavy-duty heating element
  • Easy to use


  • Limited Operational Instructions

Is CHI 13103 Steam Iron Good to Buy?

Thus, if you are searching for the best steam iron, this one is a pretty good option. As we have highlighted in our CHI (13103) Steam Iron Review above, it offers many different features that are absent in other irons. The primary among them is the touchscreen control, which makes it easy for you to use the iron. Due to this very reason, it is an iron that you cannot ignore.

In case, you’re looking for a steam iron across different categories; you can go through our posts like Steam Iron under $100, Steam iron under $50.